About US
Since 2005, Golden Rescue South Florida, Inc. “GRSF” a 501c3 non-profit registered charitable organization has been dedicated to rescuing and rehoming displaced Golden Retrievers and Golden at Heart Retrievers. We are all-volunteer and foster-based organization who place abandoned, unwanted, displaced, or abused, Golden Retrievers and "Golden At Heart" dogs with safe, loving forever families in South Florida where each dog will receive the second chance they so richly deserve. We will not turn our back on any Golden that needs us, and we have had some extraordinary miracles. Our adoption area is Southeast Florida, Key West to Cocoa Beach.
Carol Johnson and Jan Lepore began rescuing Goldens in 2001. In 2005, GRSF was born and became a 501c3 non-profit organization. GRSF has no paid staff. We have no offices. We have no expensive administrative expenses. We do however have 3 tireless Board Directors along with 75+ passionate volunteers and foster families to manage every aspect of rescue, including home placement, medical logistics, transportation needs, fundraising and public awareness.
"We can't change their past,
but we can give them a golden future"

Contact Us
Every dog deserves a Golden Life! GRSF is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and finding forever homes and new begiinings for Golden Retrievers and Golden Mixes in need.

PayPal is a safe and easy way to donate. Or mail a check to:
Golden Rescue South Florida
c/o Lee Ann Runkle
PO Box 17084
Plantation, FL 33318
Remember....donations are tax deductible!

Sometimes, unfortunate circumstances dictate the need to find a new home for our pets. If you have a Golden Retriever and are considering finding a new home for your Golden, please contact us by filling out the Owner Surrender Form or calling Lee Ann 954-235-8211

Breeder Rescue Mission

You don’t have to look far to find information about the bad conditions and inhumane treatment of dogs who are sold at dog auctions and/or pet stores. GRSF works to save lives, rescue and rehome breeding dogs and puppies from facilities in various parts of the country. We have found incredible homes for many puppies who otherwise would end up at auctions and pet stores. Puppies with medical issues, would most likely be euthanized. Puppies are "fun", but the dogs who need us the most are the females used over and over for breeding. These are all pure-bred Golden Retrievers or Golden Doodles, that we call our "Breeder Moms". Most of these Goldens don’t come from a huge breeding facilities aka “puppy mills”. But they have grown up in kennels or barns with wire “walls” and concrete floors. Some spend time outside on their farms, in and out of homes. Lots spend time with the breeder's children. But one thing in common - every breeder Mom that we have rescued so far has been amazing! Their resilience is awe-inspiring. They've been sweet, loving, fun, kind and well socialized, with good "house manners". These sweet Mom's seem to fit right in. Watching them adjust to a totally new life is astonishing. It's kind of a miracle and definitely a testimony to the breed. Watching these beautiful souls go to incredible homes, is soooo satisfying. Adopting a breeder mom is even more gratifying. You will be creating a "new beginning"......their lives will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN and neither will yours.
Global Goldens
Rescue Without Borders
For us, rescue knows no borders, so we go where abused, neglected, abandoned Golden Retrievers & Golden ‘mixes’ need us. We have one goal, one purpose, one focus. We rescue Goldens in dire circumstances and restore the twinkle in their eyes, the joy in their heart, and their trust in humans once again. We have helped and continue to rescue Goldens from other parts of the world like China, Turkey, Bahamas, Puerto Rico where they have survived natural disasters or the most horrific, revolting, and unimaginable circumstances. Our international efforts do not interfere with our mission here at home. Domestic rescuing will always take precedence. However, we will not turn our back on any golden retriever that needs us.
Learn about Asian Dog Meat

Hospice Safe Harbor
Sometimes when we bring a Golden into our care, we find out they have a physical or age limitation or an untreatable or life-threatening medical condition that eliminates them from being a good candidate for adoption. That is when they enter GRSF’s Hospice Safe Harbor program. Hospice dogs stay under the rescue safe care “harbor” at one of our hospice foster families for the remainder of their lives, however long that may be. Our hospice dogs receive love, compassion, and palliative care to help relieve suffering and improve the quality of life for dogs. GRSF will not turn our back on any Golden that needs us.
For whatever the reason they are considered ‘Hospice’, that never lessens our commitment, care, and compassion to treat these beloved souls as one of our very own and offer them the best quality of life, love, and dignity every dog deserves.

Medical Readiness & Rehab

The Goldens we rescue go to experienced foster families where they get love and attention. While in foster care, we provide veterinary care, treatment, and rehabilitation and each Golden is spayed/neutered and microchipped if not already done so. Very often, we know very little about their history, therefore during their fostering period, they receive comprehensive evaluation of temperament so we may find the “right” forever family. Our mission is to rehabilitate and restore all they have lost due to previous human failures and provide them with a second chance they so richly deserve. When the rescue is ready, a forever family is chosen based on the needs of the rescue and after a thorough application, home visit and stringent criteria.