For us, rescue knows no borders, so we go where abused, neglected, abandoned Golden Retrievers need us. We have one goal, one purpose, one focus. We rescue Goldens in dire circumstances and restore the twinkle in their eyes, the joy in their heart, and their trust in humans once again. We have helped and continue to rescue Goldens from other parts of the world like China, Canada, Turkey, Bahamas, Puerto Rico where they have survived natural disasters or the most horrific, revolting, and unimaginable circumstances. These sweet souls, who have suffered so much, mysteriously have an instinctive understanding that some extraordinary people, “Angels” from all around the world are coming together to rescue them. Together with your help, these dogs will finally have a safe place to call home and a family where they will be cherished.
China Dog Meat Trade
Caution: The information below will be disturbing.
As you watch the video and read the following, please keep in mind there is a rapidly growing outcry against the dog meat trade not only internationally but across Asia. Our mission supports China's internal anti-dog-meat trade movement and alleviate the pressure in the various shelters.
Asia's dog meat trade has been going on for decades. East Asia is believed to be responsible for brutally killing millions dogs each year for human consumption. Many are under the misconception that there are dog farms in China, similar to our cattle ranches: dogs are bred, born, raised then taken off to the slaughterhouse for a humane demise. This couldn't be further from the truth. The dog meat trade, to a significant degree, facilitated by crime as most of the animals are stolen pets and strays grabbed from backyards and streets. Transport to slaughterhouses and markets entails them being crammed into wire cages and driven for hours or days to the animals’ destination. They’re often sick or injured, and many die from dehydration, shock, suffocation, and heatstroke. Those who survive the journey are then brutally tortured suffering the most painful death as the "custom" of consuming dog meat requires that the dogs be slaughtered in a certain way to make the meat more succulent and beneficial. Some believe eating Golden Retrievers brings wisdom, black dogs keep evil spirits away and eating dog meat during the Yulin Festival will keep them cooler during the hot summer months. These countries have no animal cruelty laws.
In 2020, after feeling helpless and heartbroken by the dog meat trade and the cruelty these dogs suffer, our small rescue began saving Goldens from the Dog Meat Industry in China. To date we have saved and found homes for over 140 survivors. Sadly, in June 2021 the CDC banned entry to the U.S. for rescue dogs from 113 countries, China being one of them. Knowing the number of Goldens being subjected to torment and abuse has left with us with heavy and hopeless hearts. In 2023 the CDC updated the ban allowing dogs to enter the USA with permits - we are grateful to be able to rescue these deserving goldens once again.
This is a very complicated and very expensive rescue mission, but we cannot turn our backs on these poor helpless souls who depend on us for survival. Rescuing these dogs will support China's internal anti-dog-meat trade movement and alleviate the pressure in the various shelters. Most importantly, we will give so many more goldens a second chance to live the remainder of their lives in a warm, loving home.
On average it costs $3000 to rescue a golden from China. We ask a donation of $1500 to help offest some of these expenses. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up to date on vaccines, receive a health certificate to travel.
The goldens rescued from China are saved by local rescue organizations in China. They intercept dogs on the meat trucks as well at the dog meat slaughter facilities. Once they are rescued, they go to shelters and sometimes move from shelter to shelter based on space, food, etc. The number of dogs at these shelters is hard to fathom, some shelters have over 3000 dogs….. They are spayed/neutered and seen by the vet in order to receive a permit to be imported into the USA. They are not cat tested, but with dogs of all sizes…..
Since the goldens arrive via transport, meet and greets are not possible. Therefore they come to our rescue either in a “foster to adopt”, home or foster only home. The foster to adopt home is preferred to avoid the dog from being moved/bounced around from home to home. The family intentions are to be the forever family, however if for any reason after a short period of time, everyone realizes it is not the right “match”, the family become the “foster” and donation is refunded. Instead they are pre-adopted per our foster to adopt agreement - if for any reason the family who is adopting one of the China Goldens learns shortly after arriving, it is not the right fit for the golden and the home, it is "ok" and understandable. In this scenario, the family becomes a foster and the adoption donation is refunded.
The rescues are fed different foods overseas, food we cannot get here. We recommend you have some pumpkin (made for dogs, not the kind in the grocery store) on hand. It’ll help with their stomachs, plus it’s a great food topper. Be prepared for them to have diarrhea. They are in a new environment, new language, new weather, new everything. We also suggest a slow-feeder. The goldens have been accustomed to swallowing their food fast because the way they are fed. They are in the shelters for survival. We recommend a slow feeder, so they don’t bloat or vomit their food back up. This will also train them to eat slower. The most successful adoptions are when the new family, treats them as a new puppy, including housetraining. Sets a schedule, goldens thrive on consistency. Patience please, no big activities for the first week. Remember, they do not understand the language. Give time to adjust 3-3-3 rule🐾

Thank You For Your Support!
Thank you for support. These dogs have been let down by humans and rescued from dire circumstances. Our mission is to ensure we provide the best possible future for them, restore the twinkle in their eyes, the joy in their heart, the wag in their tails and their trust in humans once again.